My plan to fix the worldwide economic mess and to stop
violence, including war, the worst violence of all, is simple, fundamental,
strikingly powerful and for many cynics, wholly unrealistic.
We can free up billions of dollars and countless hours if
everyone, or at least the majority of the citizens of Planet Earth, came to
their spiritual senses and realized we’re all one vast, mind-numbingly complex,
interconnected spiritual body. We are already One, as in one spiritual body.
The challenge is recognize we already have everything and everyone we need right
now, at this very moment. We receive the gift of life from the One Body, the
timeless, limitless, boundless field of energy and love and consciousness
that’s a gift from God, however one defines that term. We cannot earn life or
blessings or an admittance ticket into Heaven after we die. We get, we have, a
mystical but very real life force. If you meditate each day, and I highly
recommend it, you will learn to feel the energy field around and coursing
through your body and mind. If you have a dog or cat (I have both), place your
hand on its belly. You can feel their life force emanating from their body. In
my case, my dog, a Rat Terrier named Indy, is older, almost sixteen, so his
life force is more subdued and subtle than the energy coming from my young cat
Shaggy, who is about three years old.
That mystical energy force that keeps you alive and keeps
your mind and body functioning with minimal effort on your part cannot be
controlled or touched by you. It’s a gift from God. And even you live on one
part of the planet and another person lives on the opposite side of the world,
while there is considerable physical distance, you’re intimately linked together
by the One Life, or God as some call it. The writer in Red Wing, MN, computer
programmer in Los Angeles, Olympic athlete participating in the 2012 London
Olympics and the greenish-gray alien living billions of miles away in a solar
system we have not yet discovered are linked together by the incomprehensible,
immortal and magical energy field that defies true understanding.
The challenge to realizing we’re all One is that your ego
tells you the exact opposite. The ego is
the voice inside your head telling you that you are fundamentally different,
separate and better than everyone else. Associated with your name is a fixed,
static identity, like a nation that feels it has to protect its land from being
taken by another nation. Your ego talks you into believing there’s a fixed
combination of traits and facts that comprise the real you. Out there floating
in the metaphysical ether is certain you that you must defend at all times.
It’s like a giant poker game in which none of the players have a more than a pair
of three’s in their hand.
So how does the evolution of human consciousness, that is,
the increased number of people who realize we’re One, as in one spiritual body,
solve the economic crisis and stop violence? To start with, if everyone
realizes we’re all One, then there are no enemies. There’s no reason to hurt or
kill someone else because in essence, you’d be hurting or killing a part of
you, which would make no sense. There is no “other”. And if there is no “other’
to worry about, there’d be no need for military forces. The U.S. Army, Navy,
Air Force and Marines would disappear. So would the Pentagon. And that’s just
in our country. Vast military complexes in China, Russia, etc., would
evaporate. That frees up billions of dollars and millions/billions of man-hours
to be used in peaceful, more life-enhancing pursuits.
Yes, it’s true that the military industry provides jobs for
many people around the globe so if you get rid of the militaries around the
world and replace them with other industries, it would be considered a wash by
some. But even the number of lost jobs from the military industry ended up
equaling the new jobs created by other industries, wouldn’t it be better to
have a more peaceful, sane world than we have today?
Obviously the abolishment of militaries around the world, if
it ever happens, will be a gradual process. Everyone’s not going to wake up
tomorrow and realize the truth of the One Life. It will happen one person at a
time, one mystical moment at a time. But it can happen. The key is for each
person to honestly want to understand the truth for themselves. It’s not a
dogma or particular sets of religious doctrines that I’m trying to force on
you. Those are external things, and as such, are fleeting and temporary. The
only thing that’s not temporary is the One Life. Even after your physical body
gives out, your consciousness is absorbed into the vastness of the energy field
and you are reunited with God.
On a related note, the evolution of the human conscious will
reduce and ultimately end poverty and hunger. An enlightened army of souls on
Planet Earth will see people in dire need of economic assistance and will not
hesitate to help them in whatever way they can because they’re helping a part
of themselves heal financially and physically. Providing food, shelter, financial
assistance and moral support to those less fortunate than themselves will occur
naturally and without prompts from the government or any outside forces.
But your ego, my ego, the
ego, hates change. The ego is about all playing it safe, painting people
into corners, reverting past behaviors because they are a known entity. But you
don’t have to heed the lies of the ego. You can do better than that. For the
good of the planet, you must try.
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